All sales are final, no returns, no exchanges for obvious reasons - there's mostly only one item of each displayed.
Prices do not include shipping charges and PayPal fee. Shipping costs and PayPal fee vary depending on destination. Please note that postage is charged by weight and size. After receiving your order and payment, shipment (in 5 business days) will be arranged.
Product size up to 90 cm (total 3 sides measurement) and weight up to 2 kg, the shipping cost is as follows (USD):
Europe/ rest of the world - estimated shipping time Europe/ rest of the world:
up to 250g 10.90/ 12.90 - 4 to 7 days/ 2 to 4 weeks
up to 500g 13.90/ 15.90 - 4 to 7 days/ 2 to 4 weeks
up to 1 kg 18.90/ 24.90 - 4 to 7 days/ 2 to 4 weeks
up to 2 kg 28.90/ 38.90 - 4 to 7 days/ 2 to 4 weeks
For larger packages, please contact me for individual prices.
Delayed or lost shipment: Should you not receive the shipment in time, contact me, please. I'll claim the shipment at the Post office. After the claim has been settled, the Post will either re-deliver your shipment or return the shipping cost. The shipments are not insured unless you specifically ask for it and pay the increased costs this involves. Note: the claim procedure can take 2-6 months.